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No matter what kind of car or truck you drive, the right security options are important for keeping your vehicle and your personal belongings secure. At Johnson's Upholstery, Truck Accessories, and Portable Buildings, we have a large selection of security options that are right for you.
If you drive an emergency or municipal vehicle, our experts can outfit you with lights. We've been providing exceptional security options for 30 years and look forward to helping you with all of your security needs.
If you need accessories and security for your emergency vehicle, call on us. We offer light bars, beacons, surface mounts, work lamps, camera systems, and inverters for public safety and municipal vehicles.
If you're unsure about the kind of security system you need or unaware of the latest options in state-of-the-art security, our local experts can help. We have years of experience providing outstanding security for a variety of needs and budgets. Visit us today!
Keep Your Vehicle Safe
Call us for more information
(409) 385-3075
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